Wave-particle duality
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Numerical Domain
(x,y) in [-1.5,1.5]x[-1.5,1.5]
Nx = Ny = 300
CFL = 0.125
Nt = 4000
Initial conditions
k0 = 12.5 pi
aX = 0.3
aY = 0.3
psi = (2.0d0/pi/aX/aY)**0.5* exp(-((x+0.8)/X)**2 - (y/aY)**2) &
* exp(cmplx(0.0d0,k0*x))
Single Slit Potential
if (|x|<=0.025 and |y|>0.25) then
V = 6000
V = 0
end if
Double Slit Potential
if (|x|<=0.025 and y in [-1.5,0.375)U(-0.225,0.225)U(0.375,1.5] ) then
V = 6000
V = 0
end if
Numerical Domain
(x,y) in [-2,2]x[-2,2]
Nx = Ny = 400
CFL = 0.125
Nt = 5000
Initial conditions
k0 = 15 pi
aX = 0.15
aY = 0.15
psi = (2/pi/aX/aY)**0.5 * exp(-((x+0.6)/aX)**2 - ((y+1.2)/aY)**2)
* exp(cmplx(0,k0*(cos(34*pi/180)*x+y*sin(34*pi/180))))
if (x <= 0) then
V = 0
V = 750
end if
Numerical Domain
(x,y) in [-1.5,1.5]x[-1.5,1.5]
Nx = Ny = 300
CFL = 0.125
Nt = 6000
Initial conditions
k0 = 10 pi
aX = 0.15
aY = 0.15
psi = (2/pi/aX/aY)**0.5* exp(-((x+0.7)/aX)**2 - (y/aY)**2)
* exp(cmplx(0.0d0,k0*x))
V = 500 * exp(-0.5*(x**2+y**2)/(0.3)**2)